Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day Three

Hello from NOLA- Allison here on Day 3 of our trip, and day 1 1/2 of work. Today I spent the day working at Apex Youth Center to help get ready for their 6 week long summer camp. Most of us spent the morning organizing a very large closet with art supplies, sports equiptment and lots of very important summer camp equiptment. Others spent the day cooking the meal we will be providings the kids tomorrow night. One thing I have come to recognize with work trips is that no matter how insignificant the work we are doing seems at the time, there is a reason for it. Without the organization, the camp wouldn't be ready to open on Monday. As a side note, this place, and more importantly, Dan and Lisa who run Apex have some of the most amazing talents to share with thier community. God is clearly using their gifts in a big way. This summer camp that they run is free for the community and serves anywhere from 50 to 100 kids on a daily basis. Lisa has created a weekly curiculum that coinscides with the "one city" moto from the Mayor, as well as a setup that encompasses all different age groups and opportunity for leadership. The stories both Lisa and Dan have to share show a real glimpse into the way lives of these teenagers are so much more complicated and difficult than anything most of our group has ever had to expererence or imagine. One of the most powerful things Lisa had to share with us was the lack of hope for tomorrow, and what that does to a community. The goal of Apex Youth Center is to help teenagers see there are choices they can make that can bring about positive change, and it has worked for some so far.

Enough heavy stuff... Tonight it sounds like it will be Snoballs and the hawks game for our group. I'm sure the groups that spent the day outside will be excited for some much needed rest and air conditioning. More to come from other groups!


  1. To Allison & the entire workgroup, I am so proud of all of you & the time & effort you are all putting in to make a difference in that community. Keep posting when you can. It's great to get the updates.
    Take Care,
    Rich Wojcikowski

  2. So glad to catch up on all that you are all doing! And YES....what may seem small or insignificant can be huge in God's plans! Keep up the great ministry do us all proud as reps of FCC!
