Monday, June 7, 2010

We made it ... its now 2:28 p.m. and we are officially entrenched at Annunciation Mission. Our flights were relatively uneventful and the team arrived in NOLA without much incident (except for my losing my drivers license somewhere between security at Midway and getting on the plane in St. Louis.) We ate a delicious lunch at Chik-fil-a and are figuring out the rest of our day!


  1. Betsy - how are you going to get on the plane to get home without an ID? Tom

  2. My thoughts exactly, Tom. Prayers continue for all of you and prayers of gratitude for a safe arrival. Blessings, Judith

  3. Judith & Tom,
    Thanks for your concern, but my lovely husband fed exed my passport down and it arrived TODAY! Thanks goodness for Rick & FedEx.

